Welcome to Tualatin Elementary PTA!

What is the PTA?
​​Tualatin Elementary PTA is a group of volunteer parents, Staff and community members who work together to further enrich our children's educational experience. The PTA fills in where school budgets cannot. That's why our fundraisers and donations are so important to helping create a vibrant learning experience for our school!


Open Positions: 

President Elect

Art Lit Team

Box Top Team

​Fun Run Team

Harvest Festival Committee

Read-a-thon Committee

​5th Grade Graduation Team

The Tualatin PTA plays a HUGE part in our schools! Thanks to the volunteer efforts of the Tualatin Elementary PTA, we are able to invest in important school enhancements such as:

  • Field Trips

  • Classroom Enrichment

  • Sustainable garden

  • TEAF

  • Art Lit

  • Technology

  • Library Books​

  • ​OBOB

  • Music

  • ​PE

  • ​Science/Engineering

  •  Fall Harvest

  • Winter Holiday Celebration

  • Spring Activities

  • 5th Grade Promotion



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​​​​​MARK YOUR CALENDARS for the 2022-2023 School Year PTA Meetings:

The first Tuesday of every month, virtually at 



​​You do not need to be a PTA member to attend PTA meetings.

Please let us know if you would like to be on the agenda!


Check out our new website at: https://www.runpto.com/u/tualatin/

​​Sign up to be a PTA member!

Membership is ANNUAL, so you will need to submit a new membership form each school year if you are interested in maintaining your membership (which is required for certain volunteer activities). You can sign up directly on the Oregon PTA website.

​If you need financial assistance with PTA Membership, we can help! Please email Amanda ​Thorderson at athorderson@ttsd.k12.or.us.